Sunday, October 20, 2013

One year a member

This is my favorite time of the year. Not only because of the wonderful fall weather, with the cool, crisp air, and the beautiful leaves falling around. Not only because with fall comes warmer clothes with earthy toned colors. Not only for the hustle and bustle of school and all the excitement with which it brings. No, none of those are the real reason why this time will be, for now and forever, my favorite time of the year. This is when I got baptized.

At this point, last year, I was making the first step in a crucial journey to return back to live with Heavenly Father. I got baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints October 20, 2012. This decision was a hard one for me to make. It meant changing how I viewed the world, what I understood concerning Scriptures, how God continues to communicate with His people, and how much God really does love me. It meant having to deal with various struggles and trials as many people did not understand why I was changing, or why I was joining this church, out of all the churches that there are (or ever could be). But, time and time again, my thoughts and reasons point back to the same thing: because I know it is true.

That statement, "because I know it is true" is a simple one, but with it comes a lot of understanding, researching, prayer, and revelation. I was introduced to this church by a good friend of mine named Rob. He invited me one week to attend church with him. It took me a little bit of encouragement, but eventually I did attend. I also started going to Institute (a form of Scripture study), and attending all the various meetings. With each encounter, I was coming to the realization that my knowledge of all things pertaining to God was increasing. I was having concepts explained to me so much clearer than I had ever experienced before. The reasoning for this is that I was finally receiving the complete, restored message of Christ.

I remember when I first met with the missionaries. I met Elder Colvin and Elder O'Laughlin on September 23, 2012. Two random teenage boys, that I had never met before, come in, to share a message of Christ. When they talked, they were transformed before my eyes. They went from being simply teenage boys, to being men of Christ, who have been called and set-apart to share the message of His Gospel. They spoke with authority, love, and clarity. I was surprising myself, and my friends who were with me at the time as well, when at the end of the lesson, I took up Elder O'Laughlin's invitation, and scheduled all of the lessons, including baptism, on that first meeting. Now, at that time, I wasn't sure exactly why I was doing it, but my inner being definitely knew. The Holy Ghost was witnessing of the truthfulness of what these young men were saying. I knew that this was what I needed to do with my life.

I began to pray. I prayed every day with a fervor and intent that I had never experienced before. I prayed, because I knew that my eternal salvation was at stake, and I needed to make the right decision. I prayed, and read the Book of Mormon every day. I can honestly say from my prayers, and my studying, and my reading it alongside with the Bible, that the Book of Mormon is inspired Scripture. The teachings of Christ that come from that book match up extremely well with the Savior's teachings in the Bible. The two dovetail together perfectly. The Holy Spirit testified to me that the Book of Mormon is true and is God-breathed. Knowing this, knowing that the Church was true, that the Book of Mormon is Scripture, that God still communicates to people through a Prophet, that the Church is restored, gave me the strength and courage to press on. I pressed on and through, even though I had many individuals who were upset, angry, and hurt with my decision. I pressed on, and I will continue to press on, because I know it is true.

My baptism was a beautiful day. I had the great opportunity yesterday to witness a friend of mine also get baptized into the Church. She's had to go through similar trials that I have. But, the Comforter has always been there to strengthen us in times of trouble and despair. I know that she has made the right choice, that it won't always be easy, but that she will be blessed.

My life has changed in many ways over this past year. I have grown stronger in my testimony (knowledge) of the Church. I have learned from Prophets and Apostles, men who have been called by God to preside over the Church. I have been taught by teachers, friends, missionaries, and children, both inside and outside of the Church. I have been encouraged from my studies, and the different lessons I have learned. I have been blessed, from God both directly and indirectly for the choices that I have made. I have become a better example to those that I serve, in particular the Young Women at the church. I have become more comfortable in sharing what I believe in, and I now look for opportunities to share with others what I believe in. I have been blessed by being able to attend the Temple, and I look forward to the other blessings that will become available from going there. I now experience peace and clarity of mind concerning some of my past misdeeds. I know that they have been completely forgiven and that they don't matter any more. I love teaching with the missionaries, and I hope to be able to continue on, for years to come.

This Church has truly blessed my life. Please feel free to ask me how, or if you want answers to any other questions. I love this Church. I love the Gospel and the love of Christ. Any question that is asked of me with a keen intent, or in a friendly manner, I will answer.

May God truly bless your life.

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