Sunday, November 24, 2013

40 Days and 40 Nights Challenge

I love challenges. I like being stretched to my uttermost capacities and trying things that I never thought before was possible. So, I found a new challenge for myself. While I was perusing facebook in between studying, I noticed a post from the 40 Days and 40 Nights Challenge. Interested, I clicked on the page and read the concept behind it. Read either the entire Book of Mormon or the New Testament in only 40 Days and 40 Nights. Sounds quite feasible. Do them both at the same time, now, that would make a challenge.

That is what I have embarked on doing: reading the entire Book of Mormon and the whole New Testament in 40 Days and 40 Nights. Since I started this journey on November 22nd, I will be finishing on December 31. Every day I am averaging about 6 chapters per set of Scriptures. The schedule also has at least one verse to mark and ponder for that day from the reading. What has been the most interesting part of that so far is how well what I've been reading in 1 Nephi has been coinciding with what I've been reading in Matthew. But, there is more than just reading, marking, and pondering involved.

Every day and evening I am supposed to start my reading with a prayer: to have an increased understanding of Jesus Christ, His teachings, and His mission here on earth, to be prepared for spiritual experiences to invite others to learn more about Christ, and for opportunities to do missionary work and acts of kindness throughout the day.

I am also keeping a journal of what I've been reading and learning. I am also supposed to share with others my testimony of what I have been experiencing. 

From Day 1: One thing that I have noticed in reading 1 Nephi 1-3 is that whenever the Lord asks for something to be done, He always provides a way for it to be accomplished. We just need to have the faith to do it.

From Day 2: In Matthew 12:50, "For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother." I love this verse because it points out how those who follow Christ are united, like a family unit. That's why in the Church we call each other "Brother" or "Sister", because we all follow Christ.

And, from today, Day 3: With the Liahona, the Lord provides a way to teach Lehi's family to just be diligent and have faith. That's all the Lord ever asks of us is to be diligent in following his commands and to keep up our faith in Him.

I would like to bear my testimony. I know that by reading the Scriptures that we can grow closer to our Heavenly Father. I have learned so much from reading through the Bible cover to cover, my reading of the Pearl of Great Price, reading the Doctrine and Covenants, and reading the Book of Mormon through twice. Each set of Scriptures has taught me something unique and superb. I have learned how these Scriptures truly do compliment each other and do belong together. I know that by studying all of them, that we will be enabled to answer the tough questions of this life. I leave this things in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

And...if anyone is interested in joining me on my challenge, visit this site: click here to learn more.

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