Sunday, February 7, 2016

Trials of pregnancy and sources of hope

My second trimester hasn't been the easiest so far. I had about a week where I could barely sleep, and then almost 2 weeks where I could barely walk or move at all without being in a lot of pain. I had received a prenatal massage, and the masseur overworked my sacroiliac joint, causing all my adductors to flare, contract, and refuse to move. Or, in non-medical terms, she drove her elbow squarely into my butt muscles, screwed up the joint, and made it so all my inner groin muscles on my right side were upset. 

It got to the point where I wasn't sure what to do. I was resting from the gym, taking it easy on rotations, and Tim had caused me to be on "couch rest" to let my body heal. I was getting very frustrated. This prompted me to get a blessing of healing from my husband with another priesthood holder present. In the blessing, I remember hearing words to seek after God, to look to Tim for help, and that this burden I may have to bear for awhile longer. Also, that I was doing a very good job as a wife and as a future mother to my little one. This gave me some assurances that I was doing the right thing, but that I also needed to lean on God and Tim more. 

With those thoughts in mind, I started seeking help from a friend who was a chiropractor. She did help me start to feel better, but my joint would still flare and I could barely move in bed without crying. Tim then decided to check out my leg and muscles to see where exactly the problem was. We learned that when he moved my leg without me helping at all, that nothing hurt. As soon as I tried to move it, the pain flared. That suggested more of a muscular problem instead of a skeletal one. That prompted me to seek out a physical therapist. I was able to see the PT and show him exactly where the issues were. He figured it out, told me it wasn't just "round ligament pain" acting up, but my tight adductors, as I mentioned earlier. After he treated me, a few days later, I was able to walk comfortably. I have seen him only twice, but I can move so much better now. I can walk comfortably, move around without much pain, and go back to the gym. All of this happened because I sought God's guidance in the form of a blessing.

Blessings are a wonderful thing that worthy priesthood members can bestow on any person who asks for one. There are two types of blessings: blessings of healing and blessings of comfort. Blessings of comfort are helpful whenever there is something heavy weighing on a person's mind, a decision to make, or a tough crisis that the person is going through. Blessings of healing are for anyone who is sick or otherwise afflicted. Since I began investigating the LDS church, I have asked for blessings whenever I realized that I needed some more direct inspiration from God. It is wonderful to hear the words of God being spoken through chosen vessels, like missionaries, home teachers, or my husband. And I know that these men are not simply saying words that they are thinking of, but what God wants me to hear at that moment in time. I am so thankful for this church, and that we can still receive blessings. Even non-members can receive blessings from men of my church. All anyone needs to do is hope. There was never a time that I received a blessing that I later on regretted.

Remember always, to turn to God in the face of all things.

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