Sunday, September 25, 2016

The title I hold most dear

I've been thinking about writing about this topic for awhile, but then the busy-ness of life as an intern has caught up with me. Especially since I'm averaging 45-70 hours a week. Let me start off by saying that I don't regret it, becoming a doctor. I love being able to help out others, whether it's in the clinic, up on labor and delivery, or working weird hours at the hospital. I like knowing that I'm able to ease their suffering, for at least a period of time. However, there is something that I love even more.

Being a Mom. Yup, I would gladly stay awake a few extra minutes if that means I get to spend some time with my son. It's been very hard recently, since I've been on nights. I only get to see Preston, maybe an hour or two a day, and that's if he's not sleeping when I get up midday to get ready for work. I miss my little guy. I am so proud of everything he does, from his bashful goofy grin, to the way he tries to take in everything around him, to how he can't do anything quiet, period. He's my little man. I love the way his eyes light up at me whenever he sees my face, whether it's in person, or over the computer when I try to steal a few precious minutes with him while I'm at work. I never thought I could love a human being as much as I love my son.

I am so thankful to God that He has blessed Tim and I with our very sweet, very annoying and opinionated at times, son. I know that this is such a special gift, and I pray that God will continue to lead and guide Tim and I as we do our very best to raise him.

If you ever see me leave work quickly, it's because I'm going home to spend time with my loved ones, especially my son.

(And just to clear the air, Tim is the most amazing husband ever, and I could not do this whole parenting thing without him. Especially with me working crazy hours. Tim puts up with a lot home alone with Preston, and he makes me proud.)

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