Sunday, December 14, 2014

A Year Full of Blessings

Tonight I got to have Family Home Evening (FHE) with my fiance, Tim. We watched a Mormon messages message on the real meaning of Christmas. We had both been having a rough time recently, and Tim had the great idea for us to write about our blessings. I thought I would share some of those here.

Blessings this past year:
  • My mom is still cancer free and doing generally well health-wise.
  • My dad still has his job and is healthy.
  • I finished up my second year of medical school. 
  • I took and passed my first step of my medical boards.
  • I moved twice, the second time to a much better location due to a very kind landlord.
  • I learned how to be more outgoing so that I would try new things.
  • I started attending Cornell student ward.
  • I met Tim, started dating him, fell in love, got engaged, and have started to plan our futures together.
  • I got to travel and drive far distances for rotations and to spend time with loved ones.
  • I checked off more states on my travel to list.
  • I have learned how to be a bit more patient when dealing with others.
  • I got to travel safely home to visit my parent's house for Thanksgiving and learned the importance of power and electricity.
  • I will get to take Tim home with me for Christmas to spend time with my family.
  • Being able to attend Kenny and Elizabeth's wedding in Dallas and meeting the future in (out) - laws.
  • Having my parents accept Tim and help me with the wedding planning.
  • Being successful in my rotations and learning that I can handle things that once seemed impossible.
The greatest gift, and hidden blessing that I've been able to enjoy this year was meeting Tim. We really did meet at the perfect times in our lives, and have had so many opportunities for our relationship to grow and blossom. We both have such a strong faith in Christ, and I'm excited to establish a family together under Christ.

131 days to go!!


1 comment:

  1. You two really are made for each other. You were in the right place and the right time, placed by the right power above! Who knew that a New England gal would meet a Texas gent in sweet little Ithaca, NY. Truly a testimony that God is watching over you!
